Welcome to Longfield 

KS2/KS3 Transition

Welcome to Longfield Academy

“Every action undertaken by every member of staff is implemented with the sole intention of improving the future life chances and wellbeing of our children”.

We focus on standards, and our decision making is driven by what is best for all of our children. It is our responsibility to ensure that every pupil has the best possible education. We achieve this by having exceptionally high expectations of teaching staff and pupils, as well as focusing on the importance of always striving to do better.

By choosing Longfield Academy, parents / carers can be certain they are selecting the best school for their child; one where they will not only succeed academically but will benefit from a wide range of enrichment activities and opportunities. As a pupil, you will be coming to a school that has a caring, child centred approach but ultimately, a school that is focussed on outcomes and providing opportunities to raise aspirations.

We are committed to a child centred transition process in which the individual needs of pupils are identified and supported. In order to achieve this, we work in close collaboration with our partner primary schools and with other secondary schools to share information and best practice.

The pastoral care offered to pupils at Longfield is second to none. Our team of pastoral specialists combine a child centred and caring ethos with many years of experience supporting young people. Each year group has a Year Leader, a non-teaching member of staff whose role is dedicated to making sure that children are supported. The Pastoral Team ensure that pupils have the best possible transition, whether moving from Year 6 into Year 7, or moving from another school part way through an academic year.

Moving to secondary school is an exciting time in a child’s life but it can also lead to anxieties for both children and parents / carers. During the transition process, we invest time in getting to know pupils, so they are familiar with the key staff around the school; staff who are always available to offer help or re-assurance where needed. We ensure the most common worries like ‘who do I go to if I have a problem?’, ‘what do I do if I don’t feel well?’, and ‘what if I get lost?’ are answered before pupils join us. Our aim is that pupils feel excited about joining us by the end of the transition process.

The curriculum page of our website details the ‘Subjects’ and curriculum content pupils’ study throughout their time at Longfield. You can also find information within the curriculum section regarding SEN and Equality. Within the personal development section of the website, you will find information regarding careers and our extensive timetable of enrichment (after-school) clubs.

For information regarding emotional wellbeing, safeguarding and pastoral issues, please visit the Welfare page on our website. Both pages have booklets, videos and links for you to explore.

If your child has any special educational needs (SEND) and you require any help or support during this transition period, please visit our SEND Transition page for advice and guidance.

Our FAQ and Useful Links segment, answers some of the more common questions that are asked regarding moving from primary to secondary school. Here you will find ‘Parent FAQ’s’ and ‘Pupil FAQ’s’, along with a number of links that you may find useful when preparing to join our community.

Thank you for visiting our transition page, we hope you have found it useful. If you have any further questions, please email: enquiries@longfield.nalp.org.uk