FAQs and Useful Links

FAQs and Useful Links – KS2-KS3 Transition

Pupil FAQs – Behaviour and Welfare

What happens if I get a detention?

If you get a detention, you will complete this in the old gym with a senior member of staff. Detentions are held after school and are issued with at least 24 hours’ notice. Detentions will be recorded via ClassCharts. Parents / carers should check Class Charts daily for their child.

I don’t feel very well. Who do I tell?

You would tell your class teacher who would decide if they needed to send you to your Year Leader. If you feel unwell at break or lunch, you would go directly to your Year Leader.

I am worried about me or one of my friends. Who can I tell?

You can tell any member of staff about something you are worried about, and they will know what to do! We also have SOS forms in school and on our Pupil Portal section of the website – you can use these to notify staff.

I feel really sad and have a lot on my mind. Is there someone I need to tell?

You should speak to your Form Tutor or Year Leader if you are feeling low. They will be able to help you or direct you to someone who can.

Will I be able to find the toilets OK?

There are two sets of female toilets within the Maths Corridor and two sets of male toilets within the Practical Block, as well three accessible for all WC’s around the school. Talk to your Year Leader for more information. These toilets are open outside of lesson times.

Are the toilets open all day?

The toilet blocks are closed during lessons. Pupils are discouraged from using the toilet during lesson times unless they have a toilet pass (given when medical evidence is viewed) or in an emergency. There are three cubicles within the Choices Administration Office, these are the toilets pupils use during lesson time if they have a toilet pass or have been allowed out of lesson by the teacher for genuine need.

My behaviour at Primary school was not good enough – Can I change?

Yes. Absolutely yes! Coming up to Secondary school is a really good time to turn over a new leaf and make a fresh start. You can be whoever you want to be here as you have a clean slate.

Someone has sent me nasty messages outside of school. Should I tell my teacher?

Yes. Tell any member of staff and they will inform your Year Leader who will investigate this.

Can my parents/carers check my ClassCharts?

Yes. Parents and carers get a log in and there is an app. They will get a notification if you receive ‘Red clicks’, detentions or ‘Green Clicks’.

What happens if I get blamed for something I did not do?

Incidents are investigated by your Year Leader before sanctions are applied. We will gather statements from any pupils involved in the incident, along with statements from any staff or pupil witnesses. We also use CCTV where possible to determine what has happened. Only once all of this evidence is gathered and looked at by the Welfare Team, will a sanction be applied. If it is something very serious, then we may ask you to stay in one place until we have an outcome.

I want to move as I do not like my class. Who do I tell?

You are placed into specific classes based on your ability level. Pupils cannot move classes unless the Head of Department requests the move. You could speak to your class teacher and explain your concerns – it might be just a change in seats that may help you.

Pupil FAQs – Lunchtime and Food

How do I pay for my dinner and snacks in school?

We use Biometrics in school, and you scan your finger to pay for any food or drinks. If you have money on your cashless catering account, then it will be taken off automatically. If you don’t have funds on your account, you can pay by cash.

How do I get money on my dinner account?

Your parents/carers ‘top your account up’ using ParentMail online. You can also use the dinner money machine in school. There is one at the bottom of the Tower Block and one in the Practical Block.

What type of food do you sell?

We have hot dinners, such as lasagne, chicken dinners, burgers and lots more! In the canteen there is a copy of the menu for that week. We also sell Pasta and sauce/cheese, a selection of cold sandwiches and hot paninis and wraps. Take a look at the Food Menu and Pricing document send to your parents / carers on email.

What if I run out of dinner money?

You can go overdrawn on your account, but you must pay it back.

How long do we get for dinner?

You get 30 minutes for your lunch break.

What if an older pupil pushes in the dinner line?

Your year group go in for lunch together so this shouldn’t happen. Staff are on duty to prevent this from happening and you can speak to any member of staff who is there.

I don’t like anything there is to eat! What should I do?

Hopefully the selection we have will include something you like. If there is nothing, please see a member of staff on duty in the canteen and they will help you as you must eat something. If you have any allergies or dietary needs, you must make us aware.

Can I eat my sandwich in the yard?

No. Everyone must eat food in the designated indoor areas or the designated outdoor area which is located outside of the dining hall and has picnic benches.

Do I have to let you know if I am going on packed lunch?

No. You can choose to do something different every day and don’t need to tell school.

What do we do if it is raining at break and lunch?

If it is raining or very bad weather, staff will direct you inside.

Pupil FAQs – Lessons and Independant Learning Tasks (ILT) – formally known as Homework 

How do lessons work at Longfield?

You have 25 lessons a week, which is 5 lessons a day. You will also have a 30-minute form time each morning with your Form Tutor where they will share information with you, you will have an assembly or complete your Literacy and Numeracy work.

When will I get my timetable?

You will get your timetable on your first day from your Form Tutor. You need to keep this safe and also write it in your planner.

I am really stuck in lessons and can’t keep up. What should I do?

Speak up and let your subject teacher know so that they can offer you support in class.

My handwriting is really untidy. What if you can’t read my work?

Don’t worry. If you need support with your handwriting, speak to your Year Leader or Mrs Walker in the SEN Base and we can look at how we can support you.

The work is too hard for me. I can’t do it!

Lessons at Longfield will challenge you; this is a good thing. Just like every muscle in your body, your brain needs to be exercised. You could practice skills at home or ask your teacher for support in class. If this continues to worry you, please see your Year Leader.

I want to learn as much as I can. What can I do extra to get ahead?

That’s fantastic. Speak to your subject teacher for some additional homework or quizzes. You can also for recommended websites for solo learning / research such as BBC Bitesize.

Why do I have to do ILT (homework)?

ILT is one of the best things you can do to make your learning ‘stick’. At Longfield we use ‘Retrieval Strategies’ to complete ILT, you will learn how to use these when you start in September.

I have forgotten my ILT. What should I do?

Speak to your Form Tutor or subject teacher and let them know straight away.

Can I get any help with my ILT’s?

Yes. We have ILT (homework) clubs after school and you can always go to the Library or the SEN Base to complete your ILT with support. There will be more info on ILT clubs in September.

I don’t like the person I sit next to. Can I move?

Please speak to your Teacher. If you continue to have problem with the person you are sitting next to, speak to your subject teacher or Form Tutor.

I have missed lots of lessons as I have been absent. How can I catch up?

Speak to your class teacher and see what work you have missed. It is important you do this so that you are fully prepared for your end of term assessments. You will need to catch up on this work in your own time.

Pupil FAQs – Uniform and Equipment

What do I need to bring on my first day?

On your first day, you need to bring your school bag with a fully stocked pencil case (which school will provide but you can also bring your own), a reading book, a drink of water, a packed lunch (if required) or money for dinner, and a snack if you choose. You will need to carry other things such as your planner, but you will get this on your first day.

Can I wear black trainers for school?

No. Please see the uniform policy and standards for further information.

I am not in full uniform. What should I do?

Firstly, you need to make sure you are in full uniform every day. If needed, we can loan uniform out from the Choices Admin Office where we have a fully stocked uniform loan room. You can come to Choices directly, or a member of staff will take you and get what you need.

Am I allowed to wear jewellery?

No. For health and safety reasons, no jewellery is to be worn in school. This includes stud earrings. Clear retainers are also not permitted.

Am I allowed to wear make-up?

You may wear make-up but it must be of a natural look. False lashes and nails are not permitted. Coloured nails / nail art is also not permitted. 

What if I cannot afford to buy uniform or new equipment?

Don’t worry – speak to your Year Leader about this if you are worried.

I have forgotten my pencil case—what should I do?

See your Form Tutor who will be able to help you with equipment for the day. If you forget it often, this will impact negatively on your Class Charts wheel.

I need a new ruler/pen/glue stick… where can I get one?

You can buy equipment from your Year Leader or reception if you run out or need any.

Why do I need different coloured pens?

Because we use different colours for different feedback. Purple is progress, red is self-assessment and we write in blue or black pen. You must have all of these in your pencil case.

Can I bring in my own pencil case?

Yes of course. We provide all pupils with equipment, so we know you all have what you need. If you want to bring in your own pencil case, highlighters, colouring pencils and equipment then that is even better!

Do I have to bring a bag to school every day?

Yes, as you have items you must bring into school every day. These are your knowledge planner, pencil case, reading book, packed lunch/snack/drink (if required) and any additional equipment needed for specialist lessons such as food or PE.

Do I have to buy a diary to write things in?

No – we will provide you with a Pupil Planner on your first day at Longfield and show you how to use this.

Pupil FAQs – General

Will I get to meet my class before we start school?

Yes, during the Transition days. You will also meet you Form Tutor and lots of other people face-to-face.

Who will my Form Tutor be?

You will find out who your Form Tutor during just before the Transition Induction Evening in June.

Who is going to be my Year Leader?

Your Year Leader will be Mr Craggs. Mr Craggs will become very important to you during your time at Longfield, as he is the person responsible for your whole year group. All pupils will have the opportunity to meet Mr Craggs before joining Longfield.

I have come on my period at school.

Don’t worry — it happens all the time girls! We have the Red Box Project at school and have sanitary products, wipes and fresh clothes you are able to use anytime. Just visit your Year Leader in the Learning Base.

Can we go on the field at break and lunch?

You cannot go onto the field at break time. But in the summer, we open up the fields to use at lunchtimes depending on the weather.

When it snows can we throw snowballs?

Snowballing is banned at Longfield, and we take this very seriously as it can really hurt and upset people. If you choose to snowball, this will be investigated and sanctioned accordingly.

Can we play football at lunchtime?

We have ‘positive play’ at Lunchtime. Staff will hand out footballs at lunchtime, weather permitting. Please see your Year Leader or Mr Thompson for more information.

Where is my form room?

Good question! When you join us, we will let you know what Form Group you are in and show you where your classroom is.

I don’t like my form class. Can I please swap?

This is a really tricky one because when one person swaps, everyone wants to! Once you are in a Form group this is where you will stay. You will eventually go into ‘sets’ for lessons so will be in different classes for some lessons depending on your assessment grades.

How do I join Extra-curricular activities and clubs?

The Enrichment Timetable is updated on the website Enrichment Clubs.  You can go to as many clubs as you like, you just need to register interest with the member of staff who runs them. If you are still unsure, your Form Tutor will help you with this.

Can I bring my mobile Phone into school?

You are not permitted to use any mobile devices in school. This covers all mobile phones, smart watches and headphones. If you need to bring your mobile to school, you can hand it in to your Year Leader or Miss Wilton by 8.45am and it will be locked away during the day. You then collect your phone at 3.20pm to use on the way home. Alternatively, we trust that you will turn it off as your enter school and safely in your bag until you leave the building.

What if I need to have my mobile phone with me for walking to and home from school?

If you need to bring your mobile to school, you must hand it in to staff at the designated Year 7 area by 8.45am and it will be locked away during the day. You then collect your phone at 3.20pm to use on the way home.

Why am I not with the people I chose for my form group?

We tried to make sure people were together, but it wasn’t possible in every case. Think of this as an opportunity to make new friends and still see your old friends at break/lunch.

Can I bring snacks to school?

Yes of course. We do not allow any energy drinks/fizzy drinks or chewing gum in school.

I am worried about me or one of my friends. Who can I tell?

You can tell any member of staff about something you are worried about and they will know what to do!

Where will I find my Year Leader?

Mr Craggs is based in the PLC Learning Base however; he will be popping into your lessons across the day so you should have plenty of opportunities to speak to him. He will also be in the yard with you at break and lunch. If you need to find him, ask any member of staff who will be able to locate him for you. You can also e-mail at jcraggs@lfa.inicioacademies.org.uk.

What if I get lost?

Please do not worry. We know that all pupils need to learn to find their way around the school. To help, pupil mentors will show you around for the first two weeks and staff will be there to support you when you are moving around the school.

I have older brothers and sisters at Longfield. Can I see them in school?

We know that your older siblings or cousins that come to Longfield are great to speak to for support and guidance as they already know how we work. However, they will not be on the same break / lunch as you so you will not have the opportunity to see to them at social times. If something is worrying / upsetting you or you just need help, speak to your Year Leader or any member of staff – they will do everything they can to help you.

What do I do if I am absent from school?

If you are going to be absent, your parent/carer needs to ring school before 9am every day you are off. When you return to school, you must also bring a note with you. You must also ensure you catch up on all work missed.

Is there a swimming club we can go to before or after school?

Miss Piggett is also our school’s Swimming Teacher. When you join, she will have more information on this for you.

Can I find things out about Longfield online?

Yes! You can visit our school website to find out all about Longfield and log onto your pupil portal from home. You can also find us on Instagram. Each department has an account and posts lots of interesting things.

What do we do if there is a Fire alarm?

We will practice what to do in a fire drill but don’t worry, you will always be escorted to our fire assembly point within the Sports Hall car park by a member of staff. When we do the first practice, we will show you how to do this safely and what our expectations are.

Parent/Carer FAQs – Welfare and Behaviour

What will happen if my child receives a detention?

Detentions are recorded on Class Charts – we ask parents / carers to view this daily to monitor your child’s behaviour (you will be given a login when your child is on roll). Detentions are held in the Choices room from 3:00pm – 3:45pm and dates will be shown on Class Charts.

My child has SEND. Who can I speak to regarding their additional needs?

You can contact our SENDCO, Mrs Griffiths or Assistant SENDCO, Mrs Walker via school reception, or by e-mail: dgriffiths@lfa.inicioacademies.org.uk or jwalker@lfa.inicioacademies.org.uk

My child has medical needs that require a Care Plan. How do I complete this form?

If your child has medical needs that you need to inform us about, please indicate this on your child’s online application form and provide as much detail as possible. If a separate Care Plan form needs completing, the team will contact you and ask you to complete and return it.

My child needs to take medication during the school day. What do I need to do?

We have members of the pastoral support team that can administer medication providing you have completed and signed a medication form at reception. To arrange this, you need to visit our school reception where you can hand in any medication and complete the forms as required.

Do you need a spare inhaler for my asthmatic child?

Yes. For all pupils who are asthmatic, school require a spare, in-date inhaler in case of an emergency. This will be held centrally in our locked medication cabinet with the Choices Admin Office. You will also need to complete one of our Care Plans.

I am concerned about my child’s peanut allergy. How do you aim to keep them safe?

Longfield Academy is a nut free school. The school catering team take great care to ensure that food prepared and cooked within the school kitchen does not contain nuts. In addition, Food Technology Teachers also operate a nut free policy within practical food lessons. Furthermore, staff and pupils are asked to observe the nut free rule when bringing snacks and/or lunch into school. As with all medical concerns, staff are made aware of issues such as serious allergies and conditions. First Aiders are located across the building and have had training on how to administer a JEXT or EPI pen in case of an emergency. You will also have completed a Care Plan informing us of how to care for your child. Disclaimer: Whilst every effort is made to maintain a nut free environment, products such as chocolate (which may have been manufactured / packaged within the same factory) are used / consumed on school premises.

My child was on a behaviour plan at Primary School. Will this continue?

We are aware of pupils who required additional support around behaviour through our discussions with Year 6 staff. We would not continue with the same plan as they had at Primary. If required, we would arrange for you to have an extended transition visit where we would work together to support your child and their fresh start. If a pupils behaviour demonstrated to us requires a support plan, we would put a Longfield arrangement in place alongside support of the family.

My child has received threatening messages via text. What can you do about this?

It is best practice to make school aware of such issues so that we can monitor the situation in the building to try and prevent any incidents that may arise. If your child is victim to this you must report it to the police as a crime.

How can I monitor my child’s behaviour?

When your child joins us, you will receive a pass code for Class Charts. Class Charts is the behaviour management software that we use to record and track pupil’s achievements and behaviour. You will be able to view the progress of your child in real time. You can view Class Charts online or download as an app on your smart phone. For more information on Class Charts and how to use this system, please use the parent guide Slide 1 (classcharts.com) or speak with school reception.

My child is very nervous about joining secondary school. How can I support them?

We can arrange an additional visit for you and your child to come into school and meet with the Transition Coordinator. Here we can discuss any issues and plan how to support your child when they join us. We can also have an additional tour of the school and answer all of your questions.

My child was under CAMHS and received outside agency support in Primary. Will this continue?

Yes. All information will transfer with your child. Please also contact school to discuss this with the transition coordinator prior to September to see how we can further support your family. We have an Emotional Wellbeing officer in school who works with our pupils and liaises with CAMHS regularly to ensure that we support their work as best we can in school.

What if I need to take my child out of school during the day for an appointment?

We understand this is sometimes unavoidable and pupils need to leave for appointments. You must inform school of this prior to the appointment date. You can do this by ringing school reception or e-mailing enquiries@lfa.inicioacademies.org.uk. We expect pupils to return to school immediately after their appointments.

Absence Forms Policies & DocumentsDownload
Longfield Academy Pupil Leave of Absence Request FormDownload

Parent/Carer FAQs – Lunchtime and Food

How will my child pay for their school lunch?

We use Biometrics in school, and pupils scan their finger to pay for any food or drinks from their ParentMail account. Please indicate whether you consent to Biometrics on your child’s online application form.

How do I put money onto my ParentMail account?

You will receive a log in and password to create your ParentMail account. This should be emailed over to you in June so that you have time to set this up in preparation for September. Here you will be able to add funds to your child’s account and check their balance.

What if my bank card fails and I cannot add funds?

You can give money to your child if this occurs and they can add money manually in school. Please see the Biometrics video on The Longfield Way for more information.

My child has allergies and specific dietary needs. How will this be managed in school?

If your child has allergies and specific dietary needs, please make us aware of this on the online application form which will be emailed to you to complete. All staff will be made aware of food allergies and dietary needs. Kitchen staff are also provided with pictures of pupils so that they are aware of who’s who and their individual requirements.

Can my child come home for lunch?

No – they must remain in school over lunch.

Do I have to let you know if I want my child to go onto packed lunch?

No. You do not need to let us know. Your child can switch from packed lunch to dinners as and when they choose, and no one needs to be informed. My child has T1 Diabetes and needs to eat at a certain time.

My child has T1 Diabetes and needs to eat at a certain time. Can this be arranged?

Yes. We can arrange for your child to have a ‘queue jumper’ pass to ensure they get lunch at the required time. Mrs Walker (Assistant SENCO) will be happy to talk through your concerns about managing your child’s diabetes in the school environment.

How long will my child have for lunch and break?

Break is 15 minutes long, and for lunch pupils get 30 minutes. Due to the volume of pupils going through the canteen at lunch, we run split lunches where year groups go into lunch at a different time. Year 7 will have their break at 10:45 AM and lunch at 1:00 PM. Pupils will eat their lunch in one of the canteen spaces before they move into the yard.

Are there snacks available at breaktime for my child to buy?

Yes. Pupils can buy food and drinks from the canteen at breaktime. They will pay for this through our biometrics system.

Can my child bring food into school to eat?

Of course. Lots of our pupils bring food in for breaktime. We do not allow nut products, energy drinks, fizzy drinks or chewing gum. We do allow sparkling flavoured water.

My child is a very picky eater. Will they be catered for at Longfield

Our catering staff ensure a varied menu is on offer each day. This includes two choices of hot meals, a vegetarian option, jacket potatoes with toppings, pasta pots, hot and cold sandwiches and hot and cold deserts and a range of drinks. Alternatively, they can bring a packed lunch.

Parent/Carer FAQs – Lessons and Homework

How can I learn about what my child will be studying during their time at Longfield?

The curriculum area of our website hosts a wealth of information. Here you can discover our broad, balanced and challenging curriculum that ignites pupils’ love of learning and successfully unlocks the true potential of each individual. To visit our curriculum area, please click here https://longfield.inicioacademies.org.uk/curriculum-content/ – this page shows the learning of each year group per subject.

How will you ensure my child realises their full potential?

Our curriculum encompasses the two hands: the academic hand and the welfare hand. The academic hand offers an ambitious and aspirational knowledge development journey, allowing pupils to excel academically, to gain a range of high-quality qualifications when they leave school. The welfare hand allows the academic hand to flourish by supporting the personal development of each individual through the therapeutic programme and then the readiness to learn centre. Equally, the two hands blend together to support, secure and create happiness within each individual to allow personal success to enhance personal qualities, employability skills and cultural capital.

How do you challenge the most-able pupils in school?

All subject curriculums are knowledge rich, and are designed to be broad, balanced and challenging. Pupils are allocated to sets during their time at Longfield, so that the level of work in their lessons is appropriate for them. These are reviewed over the course of the year. We offer a range of enrichment and inter-form activities that provide opportunities forpupils to develop outside of the curriculum, ranging across a variety of subjects. We also have an active School Council. Masterclasses, workshops and educational visits are also embedded into the school calendar.

My child requires support academically. How will you provide this?

We aim to meet academic needs of all pupils through quality first teaching where lessons are expected to be delivered to a suitable standard to support and challenge pupils appropriately. Each individual pupil has different needs so we would need to look at those carefully and through discussions with the pupil, parents and carers and the primary schools we would ensure that their needs are known to relevant staff. The strategies used in primary school would be shared with us and where appropriate and possible continued or modified for a mainstream secondary setting. If further needs arise or more support is needed, we would try further validated strategies and ultimately seek further advice from outside agencies such as the Educational Psychologists.

What is the school’s homework policy?

It is the policy of Longfield to set homework tasks in all subjects. Homework is used to support classroom learning and Teachers decide when homework is relevant within a topic. Pupils are issued with a Pupil Planner and they are expected to record their homework and the due date for each subject. Form Tutors will inspect planners and any general concerns regarding homework will be brought to the form tutor’s attention.

Does every class have a teaching assistant?

There are three teaching assistants in school to support pupils in lesson based on pupil timetables and individual needs. We also have a large and active welfare team who monitor the pupils and offer a range of therapeutic interventions and support packages based on need. We aim to meet academic needs through quality first teaching in the classroom and our welfare team aims to target the intervention and support to ensure that the child have the skills and are ‘ready to learn’ holistically across all areas of the curriculum. We do have staff that may on occasion support pupils with class work in lessons or in small group sessions.

How many lessons are there a day?

Pupils have 5 lessons per day. Pupils also have a 30-minute Form Time each day with their Form Tutor.

How will my child be assessed across the year to monitor progress?

All pupils will sit a base line test in English and Mathematics to determine areas of strength and areas to develop. Pupils will also be assessed in all subjects using formative and summative assessment. The frequency of these assessments will differ between departments depending on how they have set up their learning tracks. Pupils will also be assessed through homework to monitor pupil progress via retrieval strategies.

Do you have end of year exams?

Pupils will have assessments towards the end of the year to assess their progress.

Can my child be moved up or down a set during the school year?

Calendared meetings are in place with SLT and Heads of department throughout the year for discussion about pupil movement up and down sets.

How do you decide what class my child will go into?

The pupils enter Year 7 in mixed ability form groups. At the end of the first term, pupils will sit baseline tests in English and Maths which are used along with discussions with department leaders to put pupils into sets based on their ability.

Parent/Carer FAQs – Uniform and Equipment

Where can I buy Longfield school uniform?

Any uniform that has the Longfield logo can be purchased from Elizabeth’s Embroidery in Stockton. This includes items such as our jumper, blazer, polo shirt, tie and PE tops. Please click the following link to go directly to the shop’s website https://elizabethsembroidery.co.uk/.

What uniform does my child need?

Your child will need their full school uniform and PE kit ready for joining us in September. For all uniform requirements and a copy of our uniform policy (which includes information on jewellery, hair and makeup), please click the document in the table below.

Uniform Policies & DocumentsDownload
School Uniform PolicyDownload
What does my child need to bring on their first day?

On their first day, your child will need to bring with them a reading book and any stationary that they may have purchased ready for Year 7. A packed lunch is required – if that is their choice of lunch for that day – and it is a good idea to bring a drink of water. If your child is asthmatic or has severe allergies, they will need to carry their own Inhaler / Epi PEN on them at all times. On their first day, we provide all pupils with fully stocked pencil case and a Pupil Planner. Along with their reading book, they must have these items on them at all times.

What does my child need in their pencil case?

We provide all pupils with a clear pencil case when they join us in September with the following:

  • Black, Blue, Purple and Red Pen
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • 15cm Ruler
  • Glue Stick
  • Protractor
  • White Board Pen

Your child can choose to supplement this with their own stationary if desired – a lot of our pupils do. If so, you could include:

  • Colouring Pencils
  • A range of highlighters
  • Spare pens in each colour
  • Pencil sharpener
  • 30cm ruler
Can my child wear trainers?

No. Trainers are not permitted at Longfield without proof of a medical condition where they are advised to be worn. Pupils will be asked to loan a pair of shoes from school if they come in trainers.

Can my child borrow uniform if they cannot wear their own for any reason?

Yes. We have a uniform loan room where pupils can borrow blazers, jumpers, trousers, t-shirts, shirts, ties and shoes. If they borrow uniform, we expect it to be returned in the same condition as when it was given to them.

Does my child need a jumper and a blazer?

Our pupils are required to wear a Longfield jumper, which is compulsory in the winter and optional in the summer. Longfield blazers are optional. Pupils can wear both if they choose.

Do I have to buy all of the branded PE kit from Elizabeth’s Embroidery?

Yes – please see the Uniform Policy for further details https://longfield.inicioacademies.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/School-Uniform-Policy.pdf

Non-branded items can be purchased at a shop of your choice.

Parent/Carer FAQs – General

What are your school times of the day?

Pupils are expected to be in their Form Room for 8:45am but can arrive from 8:30am. Ourschool day ends at 3:00pm.

Will there be a meeting before my child starts Longfield?

Yes. In June we hold our New Year 7 Induction Evening. You will be given all of the information you require to get your child ready for September. We cover school values, expectations and requirements along with practical tips on preparing your child for life at Longfield. Dates for this year are to be confirmed, and all Year 6 parents / carers will receive an invite.

My child is very anxious about starting Longfield. Who do I talk to?

We fully understand what a huge life event this is in the life of a child and their family. To discuss any concerns, please contact Mr Ashcroft, Transition Coordinator, via school reception on (01325) 380815 or via enquiries@lfa.inicioacademies.org.uk

How does my child join extra-curricular activities and clubs?

The enrichment club timetable can be found on our website via Enrichment Clubs . Pupils can get further information from the teacher running the club and can register their interest / join.

Can my child bring their mobile phone into school?

We understand lots of children require mobile phones to communicate with parents / carers on the way to and from school. However, the use of a mobile devices on our premises – including smart watches and headphones – is not permitted. If your child brings their phone into school, this will need to be handed in to their Year Leader each morning and collected as they leave each night. Or alternatively, they must turn it off and leave it in their bag throughout the day.

Why is my child not with people they chose for their form group?

We liaise with primary schools to discuss friendship groups and try where possible to match pupils so they have at least 1 friends. However, it is not always possible to put pupils with a specific pupil.

Who can I speak to if I am worried about my child or have any questions for school once they start Year 7?

Your first point of contact from September will be Mr Craggs, who will be your child’s Year Leader. If your child is still in Year 6, please contact our Transition Coordinator, Mr Ashcroft, via email: enquiries@lfa.inicoacademies.org.uk or school reception on (01325) 380815.

How do I contact my child’s Head of Year?

From September, your child’s Year Leader is your main point of contact in school. You can contact Mr Craggs via school reception on (01325) 380815 or via e-mail: jcraggs@lfa.inicioacademies.org.uk.

NB. Please copy in enquiries@lfa.inicioacademies.org.uk just in case Mr Craggs is unavailable.

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